
During coitus, female orgasm is accompanied by muscular contractions of the vaginal walls (see Chapter 8), and these contractions create a pressure level in the vagina that is higher than that in the uterus.

From: Human Reproductive Biology (Fourth Edition) , 2014

The Human Sexual Response

Richard E. Jones PhD , Kristin H. Lopez PhD , in Human Reproductive Biology (Fourth Edition), 2014

Coitus (Sexual Intercourse)

Coitus (Latin coitio, pregnant "a meeting") is, for many of u.s.a., a vehicle for the expression of emotion and intimacy. Strictly speaking, coitus (or sexual intercourse) is the penetration of the vagina by the penis, which can be called vaginal coitus (Figure eight.four). However, the term coitus is also used for other forms of sexual contact, including oral coitus (oral–genital contact), femoral coitus (when the penis is inserted between the thighs), mammary coitus (when the penis is inserted betwixt the breasts), and anal coitus (insertion of the penis into the rectum). There are many mutual slang phrases for coitus, such every bit "making love," "going to bed," and other more descriptive phrases. Legally, fornication is the voluntary coitus between an adult man and woman who are single. Adultery is voluntary coitus between 2 people, at least one of whom is married to someone else. Sodomy means dissimilar things in different states; it usually refers to anal or oral coitus, but likewise tin mean "acts against nature" such as coitus with an animal. Finally, masturbation, which is non a form of coitus, is the human activity of deriving sexual pleasance from cocky-stimulation of the genitals.

Effigy 8.4. Representation of the cock penis inserted into the vagina during vaginal coitus.

In anal coitus, the penis penetrates the anus and is moved within the rectum. This method of coitus is common in male homosexuals and in some heterosexual couples. A heterosexual couple should use a rubber and never switch from anal to vaginal coitus before washing the penis, as the rectum contains microorganisms that could infect the female reproductive tract (see Chapter 17). The walls of the rectum are not also lubricated every bit are those of the vagina, and the anal sphincter is constricted. Therefore, lubrication of the anus and penis with saliva or a sterile lubricant is common.

Oral coitus is contact of the mouth with the genital organs. When the mouth of the partner touches the genitals of a female person, information technology is called cunnilingus (Latin cunnus, pregnant "vulva"; lingere, meaning "to lick"). Cunnilingus is skilful in several cultures. Ane danger of this form of oral coitus is the possibility of air beingness diddled into the vagina, as air bubbles could enter the bloodstream and could be dangerous. Therefore, air should not be blown into the vagina.

Fellatio (Latin fellare, pregnant "to suck") is the oral manipulation of the penis or scrotum by a sexual partner. Some worry about the adverse effects of swallowing the semen, every bit it can incorporate microorganisms such equally HIV (encounter Affiliate 1eight). Obviously, a adult female cannot become pregnant from this form of coitus.

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Amanda 1000. Macejko , Anthony J. Schaeffer , in Female Urology (Third Edition), 2008

Sexual Activeness

Vaginal and oral intercourse help to propagate potential pathogens into the vagina and urinary tract. Additionally, vaginal intercourse may crusade trauma of the vaginal epithelium, rendering information technology more susceptible to bacterial adherence and vaginal colonization. 14 Several studies have linked sexual activity with vaginal colonization and UTI. Foxman and colleagues found that vaginal colonization with Eastward. coli was inversely associated with the number of days since sexual activity. 15 Hooton and coworkers reported that urine cultures in the firsthand postcoital period evidence a transient bacteriuria. sixteen Information technology has been proposed that voiding immediately after intercourse is protective, although there are no current information that support this conjecture. 1

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Sperm Activation, Fertilization, Morula, Blastocyst Formation, and Twinning

Laurence A. Cole , in Biological science of Life, 2016

Sperm Activation

Vaginal intercourse leads to the release of semen into the vagina and uterus. That the sperm enters the vagina and uterus does not mean that information technology will propel its way to an ovum and fertilize information technology. If mature spermatozoa are incubated with oocytes in a examination tube, fertilization either does not occur at all, or it takes many hours to complete. In contrast, if spermatozoa are removed from the vagina, uterus, or fallopian tubes 2 h after coitus, they are completely unlike and are capable, in a exam tube, of firsthand fertilization. These sperm accept clearly been activated in some manner in the uterus or fallopian tubes.

What we sympathise occurs to sperm on entering an estrogen-primed uterus is called sperm capacitation, which enhances sperm propulsion. Furthermore, the sperm cannot penetrate the zona pellucida or shell of an ovum without going through the acrosome reaction, a second class of activation needed for penetrating the ovum. Here nosotros describe these two activation procedures.

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Repartnering and Stepchildren

F.M. Goldscheider , in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001

i Introduction

Sexual unions create children and hence, parenthood. Union dissolution creates unmarried parents and absent parents. When these parents enter a new partnership, they may have a new kind of children—stepchildren—children who are non the joint business organisation of the couple at the offset of the matrimony, as at to the lowest degree one fellow member enters the union as a pace-parent. This asymmetry in parenthood is likely to shape the partner dynamics that atomic number 82 to marriage formation and hence to affect the calculations of those with children (whether coresident or not) and whatsoever partners who might join them in a new spousal relationship. This asymmetry affects their lives every bit a couple, specially whether they have additional, joint children, and also affects whether their marriage survives. This article on children and new partnerships examines three issues: (a) the part of children in the likelihood that their parents repartner (because different effects for men and women); (b) the office of such children on the fertility of the unions formed, and (c) the event of stepchildren on spousal relationship dissolution.

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Women'southward Wellness Issues

Helen Bruce , in Immigrant Medicine, 2007

Birth control

Resumption of coitus on completion of the postpartum period is dependent on cessation of haemorrhage. If present, the woman is non yet fully cleansed and cannot participate in coitus. Discussion regarding contraception and when initiation of a method will begin is made prenatally by most American-born women. This is not so in immigrant women, many of whom will only hash out the topic after the birth is completed. Words are powerful, particularly if heard in a 2nd linguistic communication with which you are only but condign fluent. Family planning, family spacing, birth command are all terms used to define a range of options available to prevent pregnancy. To a foreign-born adult female and married man the suspicion created by the words 'nascence control' can end a give-and-take at its very inception. To use or not to use a contraceptive method is commonly not the woman's choice, simply resides with the husband or older women (if in an extended family) making the decision. Since pregnancy is often seen every bit a gift from a college power, or if a family unit distrusts Western medicine or the family has seen many of its members die in their country of origin, no interference in the natural process of procreation will be called. If a choice is made, articulate teaching on any changes in menstrual flow and frequency should be discussed. Many immigrant women believe they must bleed monthly to be salubrious and will quickly stop any method that disturbs their menstrual pattern. Fully breast-feeding for upwards to 2 years prior to coming to the US may take assisted women in spacing their pregnancies. Two factors should exist considered when anovulation is used every bit contraception in the U.s.a.. Many mothers supplement their breast-feeding with artificial milk (Box 43.1), thus nullifying the anovulatory process. Large numbers of women cease breast-feeding by 6 months (Fig. 43.9) and are therefore no longer prophylactic from pregnancy. Many women accept insurance coverage for pregnancy and birth simply and tin non afford access to contraception when breast-feeding stops. This so perpetuates the bike of unplanned pregnancies in low income families.

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Risky Sexual Behavior

D. Kirby , in Encyclopedia of Adolescence, 2011

Abstaining from Sex

Abstaining from vaginal sexual intercourse greatly reduces the chances of contracting an STI. However, avoiding vaginal sexual activity does non eliminate the chances of STI transmission. An STI can easily be transmitted through anal sex. Information technology tin also be transmitted through oral sex, although information technology is considerably less likely to be transmitted through oral sex than through vaginal or anal sexual practice. And finally, some STIs, such as HPV and canker simplex virus (HSV) tin be transmitted through genital skin to skin contact. This is true for both heterosexual sex and same-sex sex. (While the focus of this article is on heterosexual behavior, many of the principles regarding STI also apply to aforementioned-sex sexual activity.)

Teens who wait until they are older to have sexual activity are less likely to learn an STI, for at least three reasons. First, they will not contract any STI while abstaining from all sexual practice. Second, girls are more susceptible to contracting an STI from sexual intercourse with an infected person when they are younger because the cervix is more susceptible. Third, if teens filibuster having sexual intercourse until they are older, they are more probable to apply condoms during sex activity.

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L.M. Diamond , R.C. Savin-Williams , in Encyclopedia of Adolescence, 2011

Prevention of Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infections

Boyish participation in coitus, oral sex, and anal penetration pose inevitable risks regarding sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and coitus patently involves the additional gamble of pregnancy. Approximately half of all STIs occur amidst youths between the ages of fifteen and 24, and adolescents face particular risks for HIV, chlamydia, and gonorrhea. Each year, about 750  000 teen girls anile xv–19 become meaning and nearly 80% of these pregnancies are unplanned. Notably, the United States has a unduly high rate of adolescent pregnancy in comparing to other Western industrialized nations, despite the fact that US teens engage in coitus at approximately the same rates and ages as exercise youth in other Western industrialized countries: US rates of adolescent pregnancy are twice as high every bit those in the United Kingdom, four times as loftier as those in Canada, and 12 times as high as those in the Netherlands. All the same, information technology bears noting that there has been a meaning refuse in the US teen birth rate within all 50 states in the last decade, and enquiry suggests that this decline tin can exist well-nigh attributed to improved use of condoms and other forms of contraception. Condoms remain the most popular method, preferred by approximately 60% of sexually active young couples, followed by the nascence control pill, preferred past approximately 20%. Yet, rates of inconsistent use and nonuse remain high, with many adolescents reporting that they do non apply condoms or other forms of contraception during the get-go time they have intercourse, or during their most recent human action of intercourse. Dual-usage, in which condoms are used in conjunction with the birth-command pill (since nascency command pills cannot protect confronting STIs and HIV) also remains an elusive goal. Studies of adolescent girls have found that even the nearly consequent and reliable contraceptive users use condoms in conjunction with birth control pills less than half the time.

Adolescents' inconsistent utilise of contraception and condoms appears largely owing to lack of availability. Studies consistently demonstrate that 1 of the key predictors of adolescent contraceptive behavior is whether youths take access to a gratis, confidential family-planning facility. The power to obtain such services without the cognition and consent of 1's parents also play an important office. Some other barrier to reliable contraceptive use is low levels of knowledge about the basic biological facts of fertility and contraception. Without understanding exactly how or why nascence control pills work, youths cannot be expected to realistically appraise the risks of missing an occasional pill. It is also disquisitional to consider adolescents' underdeveloped cerebral skills, specially regarding long-range planning, evaluation of hypothetical probabilities, and hereafter oriented thinking. Such factors contribute to youths' poor estimation (or lack of interpretation altogether) of their ain risks for pregnancy and STIs, providing them with piffling motive for consistent contraceptive and condom employ. Similarly, adolescents who do find themselves meaning, or contract STIs, practice not report more consistent subsequent contraceptive and condom use. Clearly, adolescents practise not appear to be drawing on rational calculations of cause and result when making real-time decisions about contraceptive and prophylactic utilise. Nor do they appear to be advisedly evaluating the risks of their own behavior; rather, one study showed that adolescents are actually more motivated by the potential benefits of contraceptive/condom nonuse (such every bit immediate pleasance, feelings of physical and emotional connectedness to the partner) than by the attendant risks. Some other obstruction is youths' ability and willingness to realistically and honestly assess their own sexual behavior. Taking proactive steps to plan for sexual activity and utilise appropriate protection requires admitting that one is sexually active, an access that may be particularly difficult for girls or those raised in conservative environments. Youths who report feelings of guilt and shame nearly sexual practice are less likely to utilise effective contraception, equally are youths from extremely conservative religions, and those who find themselves breaking previous virginity pledges.

Factors that promote effective and consistent safety and contraceptive use include youths' motivations for doing so, their commitment to fugitive pregnancy, their noesis well-nigh condoms and contraception, their feelings of efficacy regarding prophylactic/contraceptive use, and their ability and willingness to communicate openly nearly these issues with their partners. Some youth advocates have argued that given the multiple risks associated with adolescent sexual action, information technology is more advisable and effective to promote 100% abstinence amidst adolescents than to provide them with comprehensive contraceptive data and access. In the by decade, numerous forbearance only programs take been developed and implemented across the country, as well as programs encouraging adolescents to take virginity pledges until marriage. Several comprehensive reviews of the effectiveness of these programs have been conducted, and conclusively demonstrate that such programs accept no significant effects on adolescents' age of sexual initiation, their rates of participation in unprotected vaginal sex, their number of sexual partners, or their condom and contraceptive use. In the small number of studies that have demonstrated positive effects, the effects typically disappear at follow-upwards assessments. In contrast, programs offer comprehensive sexual education accept been reliably found to be associated with reduced risks of pregnancy and STIs, and survey data suggest that the majority of parents support teaching comprehensive sex instruction in concert with encouragement for forbearance.

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Male Reproduction

Pierre Clément , in Encyclopedia of Reproduction (Second Edition), 2018

Sensory afferents

Sensory receptors stimulated during coitus or masturbation are essentially located in the penile skin, prepuce, and glans. Sensory inputs are conveyed to the upper sacral and lower lumbar segments of the spinal cord via the dorsal nerve of the penis, a sensory branch of the pudendal nerve ( Fig. ii). A relatively thin sensory innervation of ductus deferens, prostate, and urethra has as well been described which reaches the lumbosacral spinal cord via the pudendal nerve. A second afferent pathway is constituted by fibers traveling along the hypogastric nerve and, afterward passing through the paravertebral lumbosacral sympathetic chain, enters the thoracolumbar segments of spinal cord (Fig. 2). Sensory afferents terminate in the medial dorsal horn and the dorsal gray commissure of the spinal string.

Fig. 2.

Fig. two. Schematic view of the autonomic and somatic innervation of genitalia. Neural pathways involved in ejaculation are indicated. DNP, dorsal nerve of the penis; DRG, dorsal root ganglia; HN, hypogastric nervus; PN, pelvic nerve; PP, pelvic plexus; PudN, pudendal nerve; SGE, spinal generator of ejaculation.

Reprinted from Handbook of Clinical Neurology, vol.130, P. Cloudless and F. Giuliano, Anatomy and physiology of genital organs – men, pp. 19–37, 2015, with permission from Elsevier.

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Evaluation of the Patient for Uterine Fibroid Embolization

Linda D. Bradley , in Hysteroscopy, 2009

Postprocedure Follow-upwardly

Patients with persistent symptoms of bleeding, pain, and fever should be evaluated immediately (Fig. 12-15A).

The patient must avoid vaginal intercourse for 2 weeks or until the vaginal discharge resolves. When leukorrhea is persistent or serosanguineous discharge noted, office hysteroscopy is helpful in identifying discontinuity within the endometrium or necrotic prolapsing fibroids (Fig. 12-15C).

The gynecologist sees patients who have no complications within 1 month of the procedure. Subsequent role visits are scheduled the first year at six months. One year later the process, annual visits are scheduled unless new symptoms occur. At each visit, a pelvic examination, including fundal height measurement, should be performed. Patients are asked about resolution of symptoms and their level of satisfaction with the process.

Nearly coarse-related symptoms improve within 4 to 6 months after the process. Maximum coarse shrinkage is obtained by mouth 4 to half-dozen. In 10% of patients, additional coarse shrinkage occurs up to 12 months after the procedure. Echo MRI of the pelvis if uterine fibroids go on to grow or if unusual hurting occurs. Hysterectomy is recommended for UFE failures (Fig. 12-15B).

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In Fenner's Veterinary Virology (Fifth Edition), 2017

Pathogenesis and Pathology

Genital disease may result from coitus or bogus insemination with infective semen, although some outbreaks, peculiarly in dairy cows, may occur in the absence of coitus. Respiratory illness and conjunctivitis primarily result from droplet or smear manual. Within the animal, dissemination of the virus from the initial focus of infection occurs via a cell-associated viremia.

In both the genital and the respiratory forms of the disease, the lesions are focal areas of epithelial cell necrosis in which there is ballooning of epithelial cells; typical herpesvirus inclusions may be present in nuclei at the periphery of necrotic foci. There is an intense inflammatory response inside the necrotic mucosa, frequently with germination of an overlying accumulation of fibrin and cellular debris (pseudomembrane). Gross lesions are ofttimes not observed in aborted fetuses, but microscopic foci of necrosis are present in most tissues and the liver and adrenal glands are afflicted most consistently.

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